Not long ago, I found myself discontent with the work I was doing. I was in a job that was taking away my spirit and just building negativity within me. In addition, I was unhappy to be away from my hometown for the last 6 years. I wanted to change things for myself, but didn’t know how! I had so many apprehensions – fear of failure, belief that I am not good enough, not having a stable income and so on.
The MILP journey changed my life. Surrender was the word that gave me courage. I truly surrendered myself to the universe and what happened in my life from the start of this journey has been nothing short of magic. Not just within me, but also around me. I moved back to my hometown, I found a job that I enjoy thoroughly and I am also supporting my father grow his business by going digital.
While all of this happened, my life hasn’t become a bed of roses, but everything has become a little bit easier to accept. Something inside me shifted, which makes each bad day a little less bad and each good day, wonderful!
I still have a long journey ahead of me, but there are two parts to my life – one before the surrender, and one after it!